Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Shoe Laces: Being a kid again

8:42 PM Posted by: Mad Lord Snapcase 0 comments

God booms, "dude u needed help in tying shoe laces? you suck!" and goes back to making the world a confusing place.

Me rolls mah eyes "Yeah big G, I did and thanks to my friend, she rescued me when I need help, unlike you, who would have said, Gee boy, did you say prayers or say God helps only those who helps themselves :p thank you very much!".

Why did I need help tying shoe laces? Aah the reason is simple. I went hiking up in the mountains with my friends B, her bf, D and my friend M. We drove up to a mountain trail, up north with lots of gear. I haven't been hiking in the winter before, so had a wee bit of trouble, with the plastic snow boots. I messed up the way the laces were to be tied and B being a nice gal, she is, showed me how.

Made me feel like a 3 yr old again :p, learning how to tie laces.