What do you do when you get a new mini camera, a real cheap one, a 5 ft coffee machine and free coffee mug from work?
1. Just drink coffee and get on with life
2. Don't drink coffee and be healthy
3. Take pics and drink coffee
4. Take pics and not drink coffee
5. Take pics of you drinking coffee
6. Take pics of just you
7. Other...
Mua, chose other. I looked at the coffee mug after I got some random coffee and I was immediately struck by the spirals. My mind is churning away, fractals, spirals in bubbles, oil films and I never cease to be amazed by the beauty of it. So I figured I would start taking pics of what kind of shapes I could get by just shaking the coffee mug.
This is first cup of coffee, a little shaken. Its kind of interesting, it looks like
- A dolphin
- A dude standing inside a structure and operating something
- A mark on the head of a bird.
- A mermaid
- A swan
- Still thinking
Started with a mushroom shaped and ended up with a spiral below! A lil shake here and there!
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